About Us

About Us

Clarke Profile

Creative Genius is an Indie Games Studio composed of passionate gamers united by the mission to create story driven games that leave a lasting impression long after the Players have reached the end, while avoiding the traps of many modern games that try too hard to cater to “everyone” and often failing to satisfy their core audience.

We strongly believe that Stories are an important part of our culture, and that games are the most effective medium for sharing them.

We also believe that modern games lean away from real consequences, so our games reward you for thinking through your choices and committing to them.

We all get frustrated by “meta-gameplay” and endeavour to give players the freedom to play their own way, rewarding them for playing to their strengths and not punishing them for trying to be creative.

Daniel Profile

We've spent years producing demos, providing consultations and hosting workshops for other developers, all the while, refining our own craft. It was always our intention to launch our own original ideas, but between Covid and other changes in the industry, we've always had to wait a little bit longer. But with the launch of our Digital Arcade showcasing our backlog of original mini-games and the launch of our Flagship game Battle Drive, 2025 is looking to be the year of the Geniuses!

The Team


Omar (Daniel) Morrison
Founder & CEO
Full Stack Developer
Lead Game Designer

Clarke Lewis
Lead Artist
Character Designer


Mohammed Masri
Concept Designer
Quality Assurance

Krishen Patel
Business Manager
Quality Assurance


Imogen Negomi
Library Manager
Business Consultant
Community Manager


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